If you are here, that means you have started looking into purchasing a franchise. Franchises are a great way to start a business. You get to open a business that is proven without having to go through all of the growing pains that a person would typically face when starting a business from the ground up. It’s a business in a box, with a support team behind it, ready to help you be successful.
As you know, there are a great number of franchises out there to choose from in a variety of industries. If you want to run a food business, a tutoring business, a gym, a massage business, or an ice cream shop, truly the franchise opportunities are endless.

Your budget will dictate what types of franchises you are most interested in, as there is a HUGE range in the average cost of franchises as well.
Throughout all of your research, you most likely have not even thought about considering a preschool franchise. If you have, kudos to you! A preschool franchise is an amazing opportunity for you and your family. It may just be THE business you have been looking for.
So, why should you consider a preschool franchise?
Here are five reasons why a preschool franchise could be the right fit for you:
Relatively low financial risk.
The high demand of the service preschools provide and the nature of the revenue stream make them a relatively low-risk business to invest in.
Family friendly.
A preschool business is probably one of the most family friendly businesses you can be in. Not only can your children be on site with you, but your business hours are only Monday through Friday leaving time to pursue weekend excursions as well as be involved in weekend sporting and other family activities.
Filling a need.
In today’s business climate most people are looking for a way to do something that positively impacts the communities they live in. A preschool business does just that, providing essential services for community members, parents and grandparents.
Preschools are needed everywhere.
No matter what state, county or city you live in, child care is needed. Parents need someone they can trust to lovingly care for their children while they are at work. If you are fortunate enough to own a high quality child care that also is a preschool, parents will rely on you even more, as the service you provide is essential for ensuring their child is ready for kindergarten.
Preschools are practically recession proof.
This sounds like a crazy claim, but the fact of the matter is that it is true. No matter the economic climate, parents still need a reliable source of child care. We know from personal experience that the child care industry is a fairly stable one. We successfully navigated and grew through the recession of 2008, and we continue to grow as we work our way through the pandemic of 2020.
As you can see, there are many reasons to consider a preschool franchise when looking for the right business industry for you and your family. We have never regretted opening that first preschool back in 2006. It was the best decision we could have ever made for ourselves, for family and for our communities. Should you be interested in learning more about how to bring a Theory Preschool to your neighborhood just send us an email, give us a call or fill out the “Contact Us” form on the website. We look forward to sharing our business with you.